The Hoven Blog

Fall is quickly coming!

Posted by Tim Hoven on

With the cooler temperatures this week, it is starting to feel like fall. The cows are enjoying the cooler temps, and the little rain we have received over the past weeks has brought the grass back.

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Cattle Drive to the Summer Pasture

Posted by Tim Hoven on

The family drives the cattle to their summer pasture.

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How much grass do I leave behind?

Posted by Tim Hoven on

Tim moves the cows and talks about how much grass he likes to leave behind to maximize recovery on the pastures.

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Bringing the Stragglers Home

Posted by Tim Hoven on

Tim talks about bringing the last few animals home

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The Most Cattle on the Smallest Paddock for the Shortest Period of Time

Posted by Tim Hoven on

Tim talks about moving the biggest number of cattle to the smallest area of land for the shortest time possible.

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