Know Your Farmer - Meet the Hoven Family

Hoven Farms is an innovative, regenerative, and century old family farm located in Clearwater County in central Alberta, Canada that raises cattle and offers organic grass-finished beef to customers year round. Hoven Farms produces chicken, pork and eggs on a seasonal basis.
At Hoven Farms, we believe that healthy soils grow healthy foods which in turn grows healthy people.
When we improve how our ecosystem functions, our soils improve. The health of the grass improves, and then our animals get stronger and more resilient by eating the grass that the improved soils grow. Small actions made daily have a cumulative effect, and over years the chnages can be dramatic. There are no shortcuts or magic bullets when improving an ecosystem.
As we improve our ecosystem, our whole ecosystem responds in a more dynamic way which produces better food for you and your family.
This is the food that we eat and the food that we eat and that we feed our children with. It is the very best nutrient dense food that we can grow.
We are the Hoven family.
We take pride in the things we do but the thing that really excites us is educating people about how we grow healthy food so people can take better care of their lives and their families.
Hoven Farms is a 115 year old family farm located in Central Alberta near Eckville. Founded my Mathias Hoven and his sons, Tim and his wife Lorianne operate the family operation.
Hoven Farms has been certified organic since 1997 and chemical free since 1991.